Get Paid FOR


  Company Information

Name: Get Paid4
A paid to be online company
  Program Description


$Sign up and download their AdViewBar program
$Get paid to be Actively online with AdViewBar for 70+% of net advertising revenues, which is about $0.40 per hour for March.
$You can only earn up to 75 hours per month.
$You have to maintain a 0.5%+ click through rate on their ad banners to be in a ACTIVE status.
$You earn bonus points by receive newsletter from them (on the sign up page) or sign up program from them.One bonus point equal to one min of your surfing.
$They will deducted $2 from your account every month for account maintenance fee!. If your account balance at the end of a particular month equals less than $2, you will be assessed a fee equal to your account balance for such month.
  Referral Program

$You can have up to 7 Levels of Referrals.
$You earn the percentage of what your referral makes.
You Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4-5 Level 6-7
  10% 7% 5% 2% 1%
  Pros and Cons

Pay you for be online, a good pay out rate for 75 hours. The AdViewBar is hard to Log in, so is their web site when you want to check stats. The AdViewBar is bigger than others. Maintain click through rate.


$Everyone can join for free.
$Must have a Email Address.
$No spamming.

Add Me!

$Send out check once a month
$Minimum pay-out amount : $15
$Amounts below the minimum pay-out amount are carried forward to the next month
$You have to request your check by press the button in your stats page.